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Skill Development

December 1, 2020

Introduction 1.1 Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social
development for any country.

Mission Objectives The Mission seeks to:
3.1 Create an end-to-end implementation framework for skill development, which provides
opportunities for life-long learning. This includes: incorporation of skilling in the school curriculum,
providing opportunities for quality long and short-term skill training, by providing gainful
employment and ensuring career progression that meets the aspirations of trainees.

3.2 Align employer/industry demand and workforce productivity with trainees’ aspirations for
sustainable livelihoods, by creating a framework for outcome focused training.

3.3 Establish and enforce cross-sectoral, nationally and internationally acceptable standards for skill
training in the country by creating a sound quality assurance framework for skilling, applicable to all
Ministries, States and private training providers.

3.4 Build capacity for skill development in critical un-organized sectors (such as the construction
sector, where there few opportunities for skill training) and provide pathways for re-skilling and up-
skilling workers in these identified sectors, to enable them to transition into formal sector

3.5 Ensure sufficient, high quality options for long-term skilling, benchmarked to internationally
acceptable qualification standards, which will ultimately contribute to the creation of a highly skilled

3.6 Develop a network of quality instructors/trainers in the skill development ecosystem by
establishing high quality teacher training institutions.

3.7 Leverage existing public infrastructure and industry facilities for scaling up skill training and
capacity building efforts. 3.8 Offer a passage for overseas employment through specific programmes
mapped to global job requirements and benchmarked to international standards.

3.9 Enable pathways for transitioning between the vocational training system and the formal
education system, through a credit transfer system. NATIONAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT MISSION 06

3.10 Promote convergence and co-ordination between skill development efforts of all Central
Ministries/Departments/States/implementing agencies.

3.11 Support weaker and disadvantaged sections of society through focused outreach programmes
and targeted skill development activities

. 3.12 Propagate aspirational value of skilling among youth, by creating social awareness on value of
skill training.

3.13 Maintain a national database, known as the Labour Market Information System (LMIS), which
will act as a portal for matching the demand and supply of skilled workforce in the country. The
LMIS, will on the one hand provide citizens with vital information on skilling initiatives across the
country. On the other, it will also serve as a platform for monitoring the performance of existing skill.


4. Institutional Mechanisms

4.1 There will be a National Skill Development Mission at the Centre to steer, drive and execute the
Mission’s objectives. Key institutional mechanisms for achieving the objectives of the Mission have
been divided into three tiers. The Mission will consist of a Governing Council at apex level, a Steering
Committee and a Mission Directorate (along with an Executive Committee) as the executive arm of
the Mission.

4.2 Mission Directorate will be supported by three other institutions: National Skill
Development Agency (NSDA), National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), and Directorate
General of Training (DGT) – all of which will have linkages with Mission Directorate to facilitate
smooth functioning of the national institutional mechanism. These three agencies would continue to
lie under the umbrella of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

4.3 At State level, States will be encouraged to create State Skill Development Missions (SSDM) along the lines of
National Skill Development Mission with a Steering Committee and Mission Directorate at State
level. States will in turn, be supported by District Committees at the functional tier. 07 Governing
Council Chair: Prime Minister Steering Committee Chair: Minister, MSDE Mission Directorate
(Executive Committee) Chair: Secretary, MSDE NSDA/NSDC/DGT State Skill Development Missions
Functions of Governing Council Chair: Prime Minister • Provide overall guidance and policy direction.
• Decide on Sub-Missions in high priority areas. • Review the overall progress and development of
Mission activities • Overlook convergence of all skill development initiatives/schemes across Central
Ministries/Departments with Mission objectives. NATIONAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT MISSION 08National Level

4.4 Mission Governing Council at Apex level will be headed by Hon’ble Prime Minister.
Constitution of the Governing Council is as follows: Chair: Prime Minister Union Ministers from MoF,
MSDE, MHRD, MoRD, MoLE, MSME, MoA, M/o Overseas Affairs, M/o Information Technology, M/o
HUPA Deputy Chairman, NITI Aayog Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister Cabinet Secretary
Secretary, MSDE (as Member Secretary) 3 members from industry/academia as determined by
Governing Council 3 State Chief Ministers as determined by Governing Council, on rotation basis In
addition, Governing Council may also invite other CMs, other Union Ministers and
relevant persons from academy and industry, depending on the agenda for discussion.


December 1, 2020


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